The gist of that article was that the United States is run by its intelligence agencies who control the country on behalf of global financial powers.
Here it is:
What I didn't talk about was my increasingly personal run-ins with the national security state, a state which has begun to occupy every corner of this nation down to local level.
What do I mean by local level?
Look at all those cameras above every main crossroad, and please note the fish-eye panoramic view cameras just above the sidewalk.
Few people consider that the overhead cameras will have (if they don't already have) license plate tracking capability and facial recognition capability.
In the meantime, anybody asking the authorities about these things is told that they merely 'scan traffic' to modify the function of streetlights...but do not actually watch or see anything.
But the national security state is here.
And, by the way, it also isn't wise to ask about all the Wi-Fi 'rabbit' antennas left in my neighborhood from a supposed 'failed' project to wi-fi the streets.
No one wants to be considered a crazy, do they?
And remember...the police now have 'mental health squads' trained to judge on the spot whether you might have mental health issues in order to put you in front of a psychiatrist who in turn...well you now where it goes from there.
One more reason not to talk to the police, if you ask me.
But actually did you know the old Soviet Union hid its massive political prisoner population by confining a sizable portion of them within psychiatric hospitals instead of the gulag?
Well, the practice is starting to become familiar in the US today.
A while ago they arrested an apartment building's janitor around here for saying the president should be shot.
Where did they take him?
You guessed it: indefinite confinement in a PSYCHIATRIC WARD.
So yes, the situation IS turning a bit Third Reich and KGB-ish.
But the main thing I want to speak of today is the National Security State in your own town.
That's right - you're town.
The whole thing seemed a bit familiar to me since I have spent some of my time in non-democratic Third World countries - basically, military dictatorships.
For starters, you see in these countries the infiltration of the central government in every small city and town.
You see central government (not local) national police patrolling the streets...with helmets and machine guns.
And you 'note' certain mystery buildings in the middle of town which have no know function, and about which you are encouraged not to ask questions.
These are secret government buildings - set in the middle of society - from which the secret police set out to, visit, abduct, question, torture and even kill civilians. All of it, done, of course, within the confines of the building.
Frequently the secret police are themselves watching outside to see who comes close to the building, so you do your best to not look at the structure for too long or linger too much in the general area.
Normally, at one side of the building or other, there are gates that open and close to let in cars with tinted windows.
Unfortunately...this aspect of the police state has now arrived in these United States.
You might have heard about the Homan Square building in Chicago - a secret building run obstensively by the Chicago PD (and who knows who else) make people disappear off the streets.
Disappear meaning abducted (not arrested - an arrest is an open, documented, official process) as in suddenly taken out of circulation and disappeared without even a phone call.
In other words, the people abducted by the Chicago PD are totally off the grid and totally subject to the whim, their destinies entirely in the hands of the people who operate that building.
The Homan Square secret building has disappeared about 7000 Americans.
Now, hopefully, that means 'disappeared' as in 'gone missing' for a couple of days...not permanently missing...neither the police nor FBI are saying.
Which is scary...because the FBI has neither a missing persons department nor a missing persons database to help track anybody down.
So you see what I mean.
Personally, the National Security State is now hitting me close to home right here in Tempe, Arizona.
The President of Arizona State University, Michael Crow, is an intelligence asset with national security clearance, who oversees secret government programs within the university involving space vehicles and secret medical research.
The National Security State reality hit even closer to home when I myself ran into a suspicious building in Phoenix.
This nondescript building has no street number.
What first attracted me to the building were a bunch of rather young looking people hanging out by the front door.
Thinking it was some type of college or university, I approached the building later, only to find the doors being the supposed offices of a pool company.
As I looked around, I saw the building had a comprehensive and well placed security camera system.
More spooky still, was that its parking lot was completely empty in the middle of a work day.
So I decided to drive around and soon found it had a mechanical iron gate in the back concealing a walled parking lot.
Peeking through a crack I saw THAT was where all the vehicles were parked - in fact the parking lot was full!
Getting back into my car, I observed a pick-up stop in front of the gate, hesitate when he saw me, and eventually pass an electronic card through the scanner, which opened the gate.
Still...not being completely paranoid...I figured it was just a security measure since South Phoenix IS a high crime area.
Then one day a friend (who I had mentioned the building to) told me that an uncle (who is a police) got really alarmed and upset when my friend asked him what that building was all about.
Well, that whetted my appetite I did what I should have done a long time ago.
I went to the Circle-K convenience store right next to the building, waited until the line ran out and asked the cashier what was that building next door.
The cashier's reaction was surprising.
"What building?"
I repeated the question about the neighboring building next door, and she started describing the building across the street.
I stopped her and repeated the question and pointed dramatically and in an exaggerated manner in the direction of the building next door "NO! THAT...BUILDING...RIGHT...THERE"
The cashier got all quiet and awkward and finally blurted out in a low voice, "its undercover cops."
Besides the non-existing street number and the mysterious solid iron gate...and the fact that its internal parking lot is filled up at 10 o'clock at night, this building has one more telling sign... has a sizeable telecommunications antenna.
It seems too big an operation to just be Phoenix PD.
More investigation led to the info that it was most likely a DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) building.
Now the DEA (beside supposedly tracking druggies) is THE agency charged with registering and tracking suspicious Americans for the future round up.
Why is that?
The DEA has more feet on the ground to loiter, observe, and register people under the guise of the so-called 'War on Drugs.'
It has the excuse, the personnel and the wherewithal to track and register targets.
And remember, all Federal polic agencies are now under Homeland Security, making the building technically a secret Homeland Security base.
It is most likely a 'fusion center' housing personnel from the DEA, the Phoenix PD, the FBI and the CIA.
Now when the great purge finally happens, Americans will be shocked to be kidnapped (disappeared), taken to secret buildings such as this (right in the middle of town) to be interrogated, tortured and perhaps even killed by the Federal Government and its gopher local police in buildings such as these.
And Americans will be equally surprised to see all these buildings taking in all the apprehended Americans...right down the street from them.
As to the discovery of the building, it is happenstance brought about the idiots who placed it there in the first place.
I occupied building with no a street number...with an empty front parking lot....and with a secretive back lot hidden behind a wall and protected by an electronic sheet iron gate...which is full of cars at all times of day and night....and housing a very prominent telecommunications antenna.
What do they expect?
That the people WON'T notice?
You have to be one arrogant S.O.B to assume people will not notice a structure like that.
....simply an S.O.B. who has stopped caring....just like they have stopped caring about our Laws, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights...and our Country.
The sheep-like convenience mart cashier seemed fully cooperational...without any prompt whatsoever.
As do all these scared clueless sheep to whom you mention the street cameras and respond with standard "What street cameras?"
Maybe the National Security State has become so passe nowadays that it is considered NORMAL to have secret secret police stations all over the country!
Well, that was my one run-in with the National Security State.
But remember, I am just one person, who just bumped into one of these buildings by accident.
How many other 'fusion centers' like this do you think exist in this country from coast to coast?
Tens of thousands?
The National Security Budget is endless, providing they make money out of nothing through the Federal Reserve... endless amounts of it to the captive Federal Government...
...and conceal it under a gigantic Black Budget.
Yes, there are literally trillions of dollars....being invested to build a nation-wide prison system to control and subjugate the American population.
It might just be me - Tempe might very well be a CIA hot spot (they openly recruit as ASU and their cars pollute the campus parking lot) - but my run-ins didn't end.
There was a cooky used bookstore on Baseline in which the owner hardly ever came out to see customers (many just took the books they wanted) the few times he did come out he just sat there sullenly and impatiently looking down at his cash register in a fowl mood. Not a word from this creep, who was about six four, muscular and wore glasses. That store eventually closed.
I don't know what the guy did in the back room, but he sure seemed busy back there, and this pathetic used-book-store was always empty...but it seemed to have stayed open forever.
You'd think that would be the end of my run-ins...but nope.
In reality people run into the National Security State every day...the only difference between me and people is most people don't pay any attention (just go ahead - ask people on the street if they've seen any 'street cameras' yet.)
Anyway,shortly afterwards, an article came out in an underground magazine featuring an article mentioning a Video Editing place in Tempe which is really a CIA outpost frequented by mysterious visitors - he gives the example of an Army Colonel hopelessly hopped up on cocaine - who come and go in the middle of the day.
So needless to say, I set to looking, but already suspected what place the article was talking about.
Yup, you can guess my shock when I find the place was in fact right down the street from me.
So I do the preliminary checking:
- yes the place has been open forever.
-yes, it offers comprehensive conversion services of anything to anything - and I mean anything to anything.
-oh...and it has a giant telecommunications antenna.
In fact, this is THE giveaway on many of these secret government buildings - they have a vertical telecom antenna right on top of them.
Now unless there is a ham radio enthusiast on the premises who enjoys engaging in his hobby during work hours...there is no practical reason for a business or business office to have a telecommunications antennas on top of their buildings.
Like I said, this giant multi-band antenna is an obvious giveaway...only failing to alarm a public that is hopelessly asleep.
So keep an eye out for buildings who have these radio antennas atop their premises.
And yes, trolls are already expected to start dropping in poo-pooing this antenna reality as well as the writer.
But there it is.
This is what they look like:
The Dead Giveaway |
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Business + Multi-Band Antenna = Suspicious Building |
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