Saturday, April 28, 2012

Corrupt Illuminati Concepts Within Our Minds

Before the Illuminati execute their plans, they mold the minds of the population.

This type of mind-warping translates into a form of psychological corruption, along with its characteristics of sovereignty and self-preservation.

The mental corruption is covered up with a frosting of rights, liberty, equality and justice – in other words, something very bad is presented as something very good.

The Illuminati are gigantic hypocrites.

And they love to corrupt populations…before throwing them into the fire.

It’s a prerequisite for ‘revolutionary change.’

Just look at the populations of pre-Communist Russia, pre-Nazi Germany pre-Communist China and pre-Communist Vietnam and you will get sense of the stench of a totally corrupt population.

Corrupted like we are now.

But what’s happening today is something deeper  – our entire set of morals and values are being tossed aside and substituted by the values of the Illuminati and their future society.

And it’s happening without us noticing.

It is seen in the opinions and behavior of the people around us…and in ourselves.

And they continue to go unnoticed until brought out into the open and put under the critical eye of reason.

Let’s take a look at some of these ideologies, shall we?

The concept of privacy is obsolete. Technology and the necessities of civilization have made it so. You can’t have it anymore and it’s hopeless to even think about having it, so give it up already. In the end, it’s good because of the things we get in return like Facebook, Twitter, Ebay, cellphones and Google as well as extra security and aimed advertising.

People who desire privacy have something to hide. They are suspect. If you do not appear on Google, you are a suspicious. What are you hiding? Why have you kept yourself out of the Internet? Everybody ‘does things,’ and when you ‘do something’ you appear on the Internet, so if you don’t appear, something is wrong. You are some sort of fugitive or something…or perhaps a terrorist.

It’s good and normal to be in debt…even a lot of debt. That is how we accomplish things in life. This is how we get all the things we can’t afford otherwise. Everybody does it. Debt actually makes us well off. This is how you start your home, your business and your career. Its alright. You will never be required to pay off your debt anyhow. The system is forgiving and closely monitored by understanding government agencies. If you can’t pay, just declare bankruptcy and start over. You’ll build yourself up again in five years. Debt makes the world go round, so pleasurably submerge yourself in it like hippos submerge themselves in mud.

Owning things is a hassle. The less you own, the freer you are. This doesn’t mean you can’t HAVE things. You can live comfortably by simply renting a house, car, appliance or home entertainment system. You can play video games, watch movies and read through the Internet without owning a single video player, game console or book. Leasing things makes it easier to get rid of them when you no longer want them. Nobody really owns anything anyway. A bank owns that house you’re still making mortgage payments on, and a bank owns the business you borrowed so much to start anyway. So all that is just like renting anyway, right? Spend all your money on fulfilling yourself through gadgets, fun vacations, luxury items and fun things. Life is short, live it up. Own nothing. The perfect society would ultimately be a society without money and without ownership. We can’t wait for the day.

Slavery is bad until you call it enforced volunteerism. Then it is good. Its good because it’s for a good cause. People wiser than us have decided it's necessary. This is why high schoolers are now required a minimum amount of slaver…uh…volunteer hours in order to graduate from high school. Many companies now require slav…uh….volunteerism from their employees. In the future, we might all be required to perform some sort of civic service in order to continue to be citizens. Service to the community should be celebrated, even if you are forced into it. It’s a beautiful thing, and the most beautiful thing is they call people who do this ‘volunteers.’

The war on terror is our children’s children’s war. It is a forever war that will last much beyond our lifetimes. Unavoidable as that is, we must all accept it like we accept death and taxes. Any why not, its not a bad war, we get to go about our everyday business without the inconveniences of total war. The poorest and most desperate members of our society get to ‘volunteer’ to become human mine detonation devices in foreign countries and we do score some feel good field goals here and there that we get to see on TV and celebrate. Let’s just accept it, the war will go on forever and ever, and things will workout alright in the meantime.

Life is short. Make the best of it that you can. Those who die having gotten the most satisfaction out of life win. Life (and most everything in it) is all about fulfillment. We should fulfill ourselves and help others do so as well. This is why gay marriage is so important. Marriage is not a contract securing sustenance for wife and children, no it is about fulfilling yourself by pledging yourself to another human being from the bottom of your heart. What a thrill that is. This is why we also want gays to partake of this ultimate and thrilling moment. Fulfillment. It's why we allow openly gay people as well as women to serve in our combat forces. Fulfillment is why we now have coed wrestling teams, and encourage our kids to have safe and fulfilling sex as soon as possible. If you break it all down, all of it - job, marriage, career, children, even community is all about the fulfillment of the self.

We are all equal in that we are all human beings with the same needs and wants. Men are equal to women and children are equal to men and women. This is why we grant children the right to divorce their parents. A child is as sovereign as an adult, with the same rights and privileges of making decisions in life. Recently we have granted children the right to define their gender and have sex change operations. Children are also encouraged report their parents to the authorities if they don’t behave as people should and put them under undue stress. Eventually, every child will acquire the right to choose any man or woman as their sexual partner. But for now we are happy to regard children as’little people’ with the same wants and needs as adults (even sexual needs) and steadily blossoming rights. We’ve come a long way.

No matter who we try to blame for our increasing sickliness, the truth is that it’s our own fault. People are living longer, this is why more senior citizens are reaching the age where they get naturally occurring diseases like dementia or cancer. On the other hand, we don’t exercise as much as we should. We don’t eat as right as we should. We do stupid things like take aspirin, smoke or drink during pregnancy. This is really why our kids are increasingly being born sick or with autism and other mental problems. We don’t feed and take care enough of our kids. This is why they are getting heart-problems, Alzheimer’s and cancer at the age of three. What could you have possibly done to keep your child from being born with some severe problem? Think deep. There is probably SOMETHING  you did (or didn’t do) to have your child, or your spouse or yourself turn out the way they did. But whatever you do, don’t blame the environment, the vaccines, transponding microwave towers or the drinking water. All these things have been officialy found to be safe by the government. Be an adult. Take responsibility for your own actions. The sickness within your family is entirely your own fault. 

Mother Earth needs to be saved, no matter what the cost. So tighten your belt. This might mean drastic increases in the prices of electricity, natural gas and gasoline, but it’s necessary and it’s all for a good cause. It will also mean we will have to pay taxes based on how polluting our behavior is. Think Green, and get ready to sacrifice a whole lot for the good of the Earth. In fact, get ready to do without many of the technological comforts you’ve enjoyed in past decades if they are not green enough to continue. Never mind that the latest car-that-runs-on-water design has gone nowhere. The corporations are in on the Green movement too. They are partners in good. Let’s cooperate with them and make it happen together.

Nothing is purer and brings us closer to our roots like tilling the soil. All that fresh air and nature. So plant. Get out there and sow some seeds. Its fun, its natural and it’s the earth-friendly thing to do. Everybody should have their own garden of vegetables. In fact, soon we might organize entire communities to start their own gardens, like Michelle Obama did in the White House back yard. Everybody plant. We all know this is how the Communist Revolutions started in Russia, China and Cambodia – with everybody on their knees and planting – college professors, bureaucrats, school teachers, engineers, lawyers and doctors. Some day, perhaps, our own community will organize to that extent, but for a greater whole instead of just ourselves.


  1. if this really is true, its scary shit

  2. ok ... I don't understand why it's a conspiracy to have a garden? Don't we WANT to keep producing heirloom seed and not eating Monsanto?

  3. What crap we need eternal war and sickness is our fault yeh ok right it is. This just sounds like another illuminati puppet talking more brain wash tatics to the masses.
