There are people in my life I carefully keep within reach, mostly because of the information they have to offer.
One of them is a teacher.
He is not a young guy, and, in fact, he has only recently
returned to teaching back from retirement.
I never thought I would have any interest in talking to a teacher, but this guy is consistently an inside source on some unexpected information.
Like this teacher "walkout" they are having here in Arizona.
He does not hesitate in mentioning flat out, "It's the NEA in disguise" (meaning the National Education Association - a national teachers union which is gaining control of all the teachers of the entire country).
But there is a problem: Arizona does not cater to unions, has no union, and in fact, squashes any attempt to create any unions...
...because it's what's called a "right to work" state.
So I am getting all this inside information from this very experienced pedagogue, and it comes as no surprise when he (and the local channel) have described the people in charge of this strike as "Communists." Another word for Communists is "political operatives" and most of them seem to be Democrats. So, Yes - it is a communist-led "color" revolution and the color is, of course, RED.
Red was the same color everybody was wearing while celebrating 'heart month" or whatever, a while ago - and note it is always RED, the color of Communismt which they adopt for all these protests. The NEA leaders disguised as the AEA (Arizona Education Association) are instigating this strike and putting out their demands...and basically taking charge of the whole shebank without any elections or mandate whatsoever. They just seem to show up, take charge, and then start "making demands".
This teacher says they "showed up out of nowhere and took over everything."
Doubtlessly, the 'Communists' directing this whole fiasco are well funded, just like Krysten Sinema, the local Crypto-Communist who is looking to replace the outgoing John McCain...with unending political ads.
Noah Karvelis, the 23-year-old leader of the RedForEd Movement is a young, freshly installed music teacher and a Communist "community organizer" who seems to have come out of nowhere to LEAD the strike.
In other words, another Communist nobody with no career who has been put in charge (memories of Obama).
And it is amazing how all these teachers are responding to the Communist instigations of this NEA-directed movement. It was curious how the NEA (calling itself the AEA) keeps pushing the envelope, starting out with more pay for the teachers...then expanding to more pay for ALL school staff (janitors, plumbers, bus drivers, etc)...and an "indefinite" strike until "demands" are satisfied. Power-projecting imagery is a Communist specialty and they're doing a great job, filming multituteds of "protestors" all wearing the trademark RedForEd RED t-shirt marching downtown Phoenix (actually only a minority of these "protestors" are teachers at all - in fact, the majority are simply people getting PAID to wear the red t-shirt and march down central Phoenix.
Rumor has it (according to my friend) that they will march right up to the Capitol Building.
Which is another favorite tactic of the Communists: Intrusion.
They like to enter official government buildings and "takeover" the premises and intimidate bureaucrats and politicians.
In a further LIE, they did promise everyone (read parents) that what was coming was a one-day "walkout" of teachers, but as of this writing there is already talk of the "strike" being carried out INDEFINITELY "until the demands are met."
Talk about a mid-stride jujitsu turnaround!
Surprisingly, my friend is most worried about the protesting teachers, who he believes, stand to lose their jobs (with the loud teachers "union" doing nothing about it). What catches me is the Communist mode and how easily my fellow Americans fall into it. Chant these very familiar Communist chants (they do)
Put on these red Communist shirts (they cooperate).
Accept us (an unestablished and unaccepted (in Arizona) union. (they accept them).
Accept these unknown Communist "community organizers" as your leaders (they accept them).
Walk into the capital building and the State Congress and create chaos (they do). But what can you do when you have an American population who almost voted a BONAFIDE COMMUNIST (Bernie Sanders) as the future President of United States?
I am sure the Teachers's Strike here in Arizona is just a practice run for all the other strikes the Communists will use to collapse American society, like Port Worker Strikes, Public Transportation Strikes, Truck Driver Strikes, Garbage Man get the idea.
The result, at least here in Arizona will be a FORCEFULLY ESTABLISHED TEACHER'S UNION (which presently does not exist), but hey, one thing the Communists have plenty of is unlimited amounts of money to keep on going...once the society they have targeted collapses.
Arizona just hit the spotlight again by becoming the first state of the Union to have a self-driving car KILL somebody.
It happened to be self-driving Uber which did it, which is ironic because Uber is taxi gig using smart phone technology and common people as HUMAN drivers.
Apparently Uber is planning otherwise when it started experimenting with the self-driving car concept (discarding the human drivers and begin building a fleet of self-driving cars?)
As luck would have it (for the self-driving pundits) Governor Ducey of Arizona (an ex-corporate CEO) personally signed an Executive Order giving a free hand to all self-driving car experimentation in Arizona.
And it is still in the experimental stage, even though by seeing all the Google ‘Waymo’ cars driving around, one would think otherwise.
And an experiment it is.
Each car, whether Waymo otherwise, carries a human minder in the driver’s seat, who doesn’t really drive the car. but keeps watch, just in case the car does something out of hand.
But this job tends to become boring, so many of these minder-drivers switch to doing what most people do when they get slightly bored...they take out their Smart Phones.
Which is exactly what this Uber co-driver did, while coasting down a dark section of road at 10 pm on a Sunday night.
It was at this time that a woman decided to walk her bike across this dark road...and was run over and killed by the Uber self-driving vehicle.
The minder-driver’s identity was at first not released, then later the driver’s name was given as ‘Rafael’ ..and later Rafaela’.
In the video was later release of the driver at the wheel, who looks a lot like Saturday Night Live’s Horatio Sanz in drag
So Rafel or Rafela or whatever seems to be a tranny, and not only a tranny, but a felon (meaning 4 years in prison for armed robbery).
It seems Uber has a policy of hiring felons to be Uber co-drivers (no wonder these drivers are piling up records from fondling to murder).
So Rafael/Rafaela did what most felons have a tendency to do: fuck things up.
Not that this particular Uber co-driver did what most self-driving car co-drives do anyway (text while co-driving).
To their credit, Uber has suspended all driverless car experimentation on the streets of Arizona (moving on to other states which permit it).
The funny thing is the Uber AI driving computer seems to have fucked up as well during the course of the accident.
The video seems to show the Volvo SUV actually accelerating before hitting pedestrian - Elaine Herzeberg - as she pushes her bike across the road.
The video itself looks a bit tampered, as the pedestrian is totally invisible until the last second (despite intermittent street lighting), when she suddenly appears clearly in the SUV’s headlights, in a performance worthy of a Ninja.
In fact, Tempe drivers have taken video of this exact spot and it appears to be much MORE illuminated than what the Uber doctored video seems to show (see YouTube videos of this)
The weird thing is Uber and its experts have no explanation of how it happened.
That’s right, they are baffled.
After all, it was the Uber self-driving mechanism which was driving the car.
And the Uber system has a variety of safety features which include a infrared camera, and the equivalent of a radar and a laser radar..which should have detected the pedestrian in the middle of the road without problem and caused the vehicle to reduce speed or stop (in spite of its distracted co-driver).
That these systems failed to detect the pedestrian (and, in fact, the car seemed to accelerate before running over the pedestrian) is indeed strange.
Did the Uber AI computer start “laughing” like Alexa has been doing lately?
Did the Uber AI quiver with glee as it killed its first human?
And in fact, AI is totally involved in the driving mechanism, a fact that is mentioned in published articles on the matter.
But , as horrifying as the ‘accident’ may be, the more alarming aspects are the residual effects.
Clearly seen are the legal matters (and the specially trained lawyers) brought to the fore by the court case.
Of course it is going to the courts...and perhaps even the Supreme Court, ultimately.
The point of it all?
What to do when AI kills?
First, call in the specially prompted and trained lawyers to supply the spin.
Secondly, match the case to bought-off-and-paid-for judges who will rule the way the corporations want the judges to rule.
Some lawyers (the ones ignored by the media) are saying that there may be a problem with the program and are urging the cars be withdrawn from the public roadways.
Other lawyers (the select elite of the system) like James Atrrowood, who runs Arrowood Attorneys and teaches at the State Bar as an ‘expert’ regarding driverless cars and product liability issues backs up AI.
The spin about driverless cars is they...
...are safer than human drivers....
...can put an end to traffic congestion.
...can free up our time to do paperwork in the cars while getting to our jobs.
...can make cross-country driving a pleasure instead of a chore.
Yeah, yeah, sounds fantastic!
But what do you do when the AI driving the car begins to KILL?
The answer seems to be in the process of becoming more and more obvious.
Nothing...because it is declared nobody’s fault.
The driver is blameless because control of the car has been surrendered to AI.
And AI is blameless because its actions are seen as a mechanical ‘hiccup’ or mechanical mistake involving no human error.
In case you have stopped following this FIRST HUMAN MURDER BY AI, the results seem to be a blameless nobody’s-fault resolution under the law.
That’s right - it’s nobody’s fault that a car ran over this innocent pedestrian.
(last report, Uber has gotten over the fault bump by giving the pedestrian’s daughter a large (undisclosed) sum of money)
Meanwhile The Federal and State governments have let themselves be pre-empted by Uber’s sudden decision to halt all self-driving car experiments in Arizona and moved on to to other things.
I guess they became so impressed by this sudden decision that they decided NO ONE was at fault - not even Uber who sees fit to hire Ex-Convict FELONS to be co-driven around by untried AI as back up safety chauffeurs.
No...No fault on nobody.
And as you know, in most legal cases, what is decided soon becomes precedent or the basis for future legal decisions.
Well, the decision over Uber’s AI murder of a pedestrian is ‘no fault for anybody’ as far as the government and legal system are concerned.
Never mind that Uber cannot explain (or has not bothered to explain) how an AI equipped with all these safety features could not (or did not want to) see the pedestrian in the middle of the road crossing the street.
Again, laughing Alexa comes to mind when judging the unexpected DEMONIC actions of the Uber self-driving mechanism (it actually accelerated as it got closer to the pedestrian).
But in this age of accelerated adaptation, society seems to have already accepted the fact that when AI murders it’s nobody’s fault.
Accepted also is the fact that AI WILL misbehave...sometimes catastrophically.
(remember laughing Alexa)
And when it does, humanity has begun learning that it’s nobody’s fault.
The repeatedly demonstrated DOUBT about the safety and fallibility of AI is being turned into no-fault technology, blameless of all the death and destruction it may cause.
And there is talk of actually INCREASING our reliance on AI and computer-operated machines.
Is the extent of how much trust we are willing to deposit on these machines based in any way shape or form on the extent of just how reliable these independently operated systems are?
At present it does not seem to matter.
Just type in “self-driving car accidents” in Google images and see how many pictures show up.
The obvious interpretation is self-driving cars are NOT safe and are totally fallible.
The over-reliance and trust we are being programmed to have regarding self-operated machinery is excessive.
It isn’t safe at all!
The actual truth is future generations of humans will judge our stupidity based on how much control we give to AI over our society in general.