Tuesday, May 27, 2014

While West Dries Up, Feds Empty Reservoirs

While Arizona and California enter a third year of catastrophic drought...

...which has caused the massive loss of crops and livestock...

...and might prelude a possible food shortage...

...and has caused California to decree a state of emergency...

...the Federal Government has just released 130 million cubic meters of the Colorado River into the Sea of Cortez.

I repeat...during a situation of catastrophic drought...Hoover Dam was opened...and made to release 130 million cubic meters of our depleted water supply into the sea.

There is a whole pseudo-scientific and environmental explanation of why they did it...but I am too sickened by the act...to go into all the details of one more Federal Government LIE...I am too sickened by this act to go into all the phony details, but you can readily find it online.

But for the record I will simply re-state...that while the West suffers through a catastrophic drought...the Federal Government is busy opening up water reservoirs and letting the water run downstream into the ocean.

See...this is why farmers and ranchers finish by taking up arms.

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