Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chicago is Collapsing

It started with people fleeing Michigan - remember Detroit?

It continued with people fleeing Ohio (check on the economic health of Cleveland and Cincinnati).

Four years ago, I was competing for jobs right here in Arizona with desperate well-educated professionals fleeing Ohio and willing to relocate THAT SAME DAY for a peanut salary.

Well, the Midwest malaise is spreading.

If the current refugee numbers indicate anything, it is the City of Chicago which is now collapsing.

More and more people I run into are from the Chicago Area.

I am sure the oven-hot Summer and Spring Arizona sun does not agree with them, but they are here in larger and larger numbers, because they are fleeing the economic collapse spreading from the East and Midwest.

I have never seen so many Chicagoans in Arizona.

They are everywhere and they are desperate.

As desperate as the fleeing Ohioans were a couple of years ago.

By the way, you want to know who took away all the jobs from the Ohioans and now the Chicagoans?

The unions.

You ask them, and they will TELL YOU.

The Midwest is collapsing - it seems the collapse of Detroit was just the beginning.

Having lived a few years in the Chicago area and I having never seen such booming, rich and limitless suburbs as well as the impressive city itself, I would have never believed anything could bring this place down economically.

But the impossible has happened.

There is no economic system enough socialism, welfare, government interference, the mafia and the unions cannot bring down.

And Chicago is going down.

The city's streets have become unsafe to walk.

There are actual no-go areas where even the police don't venture.

The job market is collapsing.

Ergo the Chicago accent that frequently surfaces on the streets of Arizona as more and more Chicagoans FLEE the city.

That they would come fleeing to low-paying Arizona is testament enough to their desperateness.

Chicago is the next Detroit.

They have been keeping this locally accepted fact a secret from the rest of the country through the controlled media.

But the abundance of refugees fleeing the area (perhaps to your area as well) is testament enough to the Windy City's demise.

Add this to the refugees fleeing collapsing California and other Northeasterners fleeing skyrockerting heating bills and you've got a major American exodus towards the Western half of the country.

The country is economically collapsing in stages and the economic refugees are fleeing to your town (if it is not already economically collapsed).

And what of the Arizona magic that is keeping this state afloat?


Low wages, no unions, no government interference, little welfare.

Not the most ideal of conditions, but it is a concept none of the Midwest and Eastern Metropolises seem to have learned as they begin to LOSE population to more economically viable areas of the country.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Honest Police Chief Daniel Garcia FIRED!

I am sad to announce the firing of Phoenix Police Chief Daniel V. Garcia.

Not that we didn't see it coming.

The Police Chief was simply too honest, too professional, too pro-law-and-order to remain at the highest pinnacles of the mob presently known as the 'law enforcement community.'

The first thing he did when he came in was shrug off the supposed authority the police unions in DICTATING law enforcement policy to police chiefs.

He saw the Phoenix Police dressing like bums and ordered the PPD to start dressing like real cops.

He took measures in making the Phoenix Police Department more professional and began getting rid of the bad apples while simultaneously reaching out to the community.

But he had already committed the cardinal sin of shrugging off the mafia-run Police Unions, and this made him a marked man by the powers that be.

It did not take long for the Police Unions, City Government and the local media to start a smear campaign against Chief Garcia (a non-CIA, non-drug cartel, non-mafia, non-federal, no nonsense cop).

But that didn't work. Chief Garcia was too clean.

Yet regardless, the FIX was in, and Chief Garcia knew it.

The sound from all the paid-off council members, media and  police union flunkies, scurrying around like cockroaches to find some way of sinking a knife in Chief Garcia's back, made the chief see his head was already on the chopping block.

So knowing this he began to hold press conferences and exposing the unwarranted power of police unions over the police.

Ordered to shut up by the City Council and die quietly, Chief Garcia preferred to go down shouting and protesting.

As has become apparent in local government, it is really the more obscure figures like the City Council Chair and the City Manager who actually run cities - not Mayors.

So it was no surprise that when the time came, Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton was nowhere to be seen (or heard) while Jewish City Manager Ed Zuercher proceeded run out and fire the Police Chief.

A full prepared justification for the firing was then given on TV by Jewish ex-Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon.

Well, no surprise there.

The victory once more goes to the Talmudic-Kabbalistic-Luciferian Matrix...but with one small comforting event.

The popularity of Chief Garcia with the local community did not matter one whit.

A sad order of events.

But whatever the case may be...there is a bright side.

Thanks to Police Chief Garcia, all of Arizona now knows and understands that the mafia-like Police Unions are in actual control of America's Police Departments...not their police chiefs.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Police Unions: Tool of Destruction

Let's get one thing straight.

The Establishment is neither left nor right.

The Establishment uses left and right to do its bidding - they are both at its service.

Let's get another thing straight.

  The major institutions that the establishment uses to bring about the collapse of societies are the unions.

Unions have been leftist, Marxist, socialist institutions since their inception in the late 1800's.

Unions are the reason the East and now the Midwest are chronically unemployed and struggling to survive.

Employment and benefits are always good for the Union hell with everyone else.

And that is exactly the way it is.

Excuse me for being so radical as to believe in the free market - which includes the labor market - and in the balancing dynamics of wages vs work instead of a POLITICAL institution which uses GOVERNMENT to FORCE employers to hire its members.

Guilds were really big in the Middle Ages...which might have been part of the reason we stayed in the Middle Ages for so long. The Guilds MURDERED any craft man which did not abide by its rules.

Which brings me to the topic of the modern day descendants of the Guilds - the Unions.

Unions have been (and are) an integral part of collapsing whole societies.

They were a factor in Czarist Russia (before it collapsed into Communism).

They were a factor in Weimar Germany (before it collapsed into Nazism).

They were a factor in all the economic lock-downs that preceded the fall of Latin American regimes (whether left or right) like  Trujillo, Batista, Allende, Somoza, etc.

Now you might be asking yourself why dirt-poor banana republics with dollar-a-day jobs have any need of unions, and you would be right.

In fact, their Unions are financed from the outside, and they are very well funded.

Most unions usually are, with funds that are not entirely clear or apparent.

And in truth, the Unions are never there to influence the salaries and working conditions of workers, but to influence the economics and social standing of society.

Now lets return to the subject of Unions - specifically of Unions of Public Servants.

Public servants have no business being part of a union.

They have no business being part of a union because of their very nature as the basis of society. Striking by public servants causes the total collapse of society.

Police, teachers, firemen, government bureaucrats, the military and municipal workers cannot strike because their striking has the possibility of causing THE TOTAL SOCIETAL COLLAPSE.

What a power grab by the unions to be allowed to institute EXACTLY within those societal linchpins.

What next? Soldiers unions? Soldiers have rights too - let 'em elect their commanders!

To put it bluntly, Unions are the establishment's mechanism for manipulating and controlling society and, when the time comes, COLLAPSING THEM.

Unions played a role in causing chaos and shortages when the time comes to collapse a society.

They did an exemplary job in Czarist Russia prior its conquest by Communist gangs.

Cut off the food supply, stood down the police, shut down the transportation system.

The mechanism of Union lock down can also be seen in the chaos leading up to the removal of Salvador Allende - a leftist - lending lie to the notion that Unions are exclusively leftist, they aren't, they are servants of the establishment.

In other words, Unions are used by the Establishment when society needs to be locked down in order to bring down the government.

Which brings me to the subject of POLICE unions.

The Police have no business joining unions.

Police cannot be allowed to strike because a police strike would break down the fabric of society itself.

But they DO have a unions, the most powerful of which is the Masonically-connected 'Fraternal Order of Police' (FOP).

Is it any wonder that Police salaries, benefits, perks and comforts have skyrocketed during the last decade?

Good! you say?

Did you know it is the POLICE UNIONS who are behind the militarization and exponentially increasing murder-by-police rates on the American public?

Think about that next time someone you know gets MURDERED by a bona fide union member.

And that is the point.

As our society approaches the time of its engineered collapse, the Police Unions are acquiring power and influence beyond all legality.

When two NYPD police officers shot an innocent, unarmed man, Akai Gurley, on the stairs to his apartment building, the first thing the murderous cop did was not report the shooting to his precinct or even call for an ambulance...but to contact his UNION (his real chain of command) on what to do next.

Apparently the Union told him to abandon the scene and let the man die...because that is exactly what that officer did!

It's no secret that 'death of target' is the preferred neat solution to all police involved shootings.

That is no surprise.

But what IS surprising is that the NYPD's chain of command seems to no longer go through the local precinct, but directly to the local police union!

Still doubt the power of the Police unions?

Guess who keeps the national statistics on all the Americans shot to death by police.

You would guess the Federal Government, the Department of Justice, the FBI, maybe even Homeland Security.


For a country that maintains statistics on just about everything, including on how much gas is produced by grazing cattle, the United States of America (amazingly) has no data bank on how many Americans are shot to death (or just plain shot) by police.

Nada, zilcho, bupkiss.

You know who keeps the statistics?

Well, the nation's most 'comprehensive' and 'authoritative' records of police induced death is kept by the (take out your tissue) the NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER'S MEMORIAL FUND - that's right - a POLICE UNION keeps all the records on how many Americans cops kill.

So guess what.

Unions are not only militarizing the police...they are not only arming officers to the teeth...they are not only training the police to KILL first and ask questions later, they are not only protecting the killers...but they are IN CHARGE OF ALL THE STATISTICS on the resulting blood orgy.

Still managing to hold on to that warm and fuzzy feeling about the Police Unions?

It's hard to.

Recently, the Police Union jumped all over Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia because he ordered the police to revert back to actual police uniforms (instead of the beach bum regalia they were wearing).

The uniforms were judged too hot and uncomfortable said the Ming emperors of the Police Unions and BOY did they get angry when Chief Garcia said he was not going to go back on his decision!

An immediate drive was launched by the Police Unions to REMOVE Chief Daniel Garcia.

And the effort has never let up.

Like any Communist front, the Police Unions work on the cheap emotion and propaganda.

So the supposed DEATH KNELL sounded over the head of Chief Garcia when an officer he had dismissed committed suicide.

An immediate SCREAM went out for the head of Chief Garcia, who had heartlessly fired a loyal police officer who then went home crying to commit suicide.


Officer Craig Tiger, the suicide (or suicided) officer was a complete loose cannon - a mental case suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) who was also a drunk, and was having a great time shooting American citizens.

In other words, what Chief Garcia did was get rid of a huge problem, you know, the type of unstable problem that goes around shooting and killing innocent people for no reason.

And you know what?

The Phoenix City Council seemed to be proceeding full speed ahead (in fact still is) in the removal of Chief Garcia just because the POLICE UNION TOLD THEM TO.

Wait a minute.

Who is in charge of hiring and firing police chiefs - the Phoenix City Council or the Police Union?

What is the chain of command here?

Fortunately for himself, Chief Garcia did not remain silent, but confronted his accusers in the Council, the Media and the Police with televised and no nonsense responses on what he did and just WHO Officer Craig Tiger was.

The result - the accusers had to back off.

Chief Garcia even stated that the Police Unions were trying to run the Police Department and that they had no business doing so.

Right on, Chief Garcia!

But try telling that to the slavish City Council who are now trying desperately trying to remove you as if they had gotten a royal command from above (which they have).

Yes, Chief Daniel Garcia has the right to be alarmed and outraged.

He is a hardcore, professional stolid type, but you can see the outrage beneath Chief Garcia's reserved exterior.

He just can't bring himself to believe that the Police Unions are actually running the police departments! 

It's all part of the smoke-filled-room, under-the-table, behind-the-scenes, informal power structure this country is adopting as it is prepared to fall into the hands of the New World Order.

The orders are no longer coming from their respective institutions, but from shady, unelected bodies like the UN, presidential czars, NGOs,  the mafia...and Police Unions.

Yes, Chief Garcia, the mafia-connected Police Unions ARE running the police and YOU are in the way!

Is it any surprise that the Phoenix City Council is still proceeding at full speed with the program to remove chief Garcia from his post with a plethora of 'investigations' salted with a small army of 'reporters' and 'investigators.'

All this...for telling his officers they should wear uniforms and for firing an incompetent and mentally unstable cop.

Police Unions, get a grip.

But they don't have to, it's THEIR reality, we just live in it.

My suspicion is that the Phoenix City Council is not really beholden to the Police Union...but that is in fact working under pressure from the command structure that commands them both.

In other words, the Phoenix City Council just got orders from above to remove Chief Garcia, and those castrated chickens do whatever the bosses from above tell them to do.

So the program to depose (normal honest, dutiful, professional, honest) Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia proceeds...

You see, he has committed an unpardonable sin.

He has stood up to the real police underground power-structure which is developing and will be used to bring down America.

And I am sure there are a hundred Chief Garcias across the country who are neither members of the mafia, or the CIA nor stooges for the local Police Unions.

And the power structure is going after them.


Because the police are the linchpin to any societal collapse.

The police keep order.

They need to stand down when the time comes, they need to NOT be at their posts, they need to be part of the problem instead of the solution (note police use of agent-provocateur anarchists).

And when the time comes, they need to be the United Nations can take over.

If any of the police are stupid enough to go along with this program, then they deserve what is coming to them.

If the police want to see their ultimate destiny under this program all they need to do is look at what happened to the police under the Kerensky Regime in Russia - first they were unionized....then they were disarmed...and finally they were KILLED. Their corpses dragged through the streets of Leningrad before the cheering Communist and Anarchist crowds.

The Police Unions are NOT the friends of the police.

The Police Unions are assuming unwarranted power within the police power structure.

It will be these new empowered unions which will tell the police to stand down and ultimately turn in their weapons and surrender to internationalist UN elements when the time comes.

America, wake up!

Police, wake up!

City Councils, wake up!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

As the Plague Grows, Our Cures Are Taken Away

It wasn't enough to develop a deadly plague inside a lab.

It wasn't enough to COPYRIGHT that deadly plague.

It wasn't enough to set it loose on an African country.

It wasn't enough to leave our nation WIDE-OPEN to African plague-carriers.

It wasn't enough for the hospital to turn away one of these plague carriers after he PRESENTED himself as an Ebola carrier from Africa!

It wasn't enough to not follow any protocol in containing this man's spread of the plague by sending in paramedics, sending in police, not sealing off his residence and finally hosing down his residence with a high pressure water hose (spreading it to the four winds)...not to mention giving all the people he was in contact with free reign.

Now two nurses have been officially infected - officially - the truth is probably many, many more and the PLAGUE (not just Ebola, mind you) is probably already headed your way...

...and more coming across our purposefully unattended border every day.

No, it wasn't enough to do all that.

Now the powers that be, to make SURE you DIE, are clamping down on all the elements and procedures that could possibly CURE and PREVENT the plague and freaking SAVE YOU!

Stop believing the establishment's act of playing dumb.

They KNOW what the plague is, how it works...and how to cure it.

They WANT you to DIE.

This is why they are not clamping down on all the elements that could immediately cure you of airborne bacterial and viral pneumonic disease.

The most effective people killers are bacteria and viruses which are transmitted through the air and attack the lungs (which have inhaled them) directly. 

Shut down your ability to breathe and you die a slow and agonizing suffocating death.

You know takes a very special type of ASS HOLE to come up with a plan like that, yet that is the type of people in charge of events now taking place - UNFEELING INHUMAN MONSTERS.

So it makes perfect sense that simultaneously with the release of the plague (or plagues), they would simultaneously want to shut down and eliminate the CURES which would not only prevent the plague from spreading... but CURE it!

Did you hear about the massive shipment of colloidal silver bound for Liberia which was STOPPED AND PREVENTED FROM ENTERING THE COUNTRY?

You'd think a plague-ridden wreck of a banana republic like Liberia would be less choosy in rejecting free shipments of PROVEN antibiotics to its citizens, but there it is.

The AUTHORITIES who rejected the shipment are not, of course, Liberians, but the UN, UN-affiliated and world government organizations which have TAKEN CONTROL of all plague-containment procedure in KILL as many of those people as they can.

The same 'internationalist' process is now being set up for our own country - direction and coordination with internationalist bureaucrats and organizers - organizing to kill as many Americans as possible.

So it has become obvious with the little colloidal silver episode off Liberia that these people are not planning our survival, but our DEATH.

And these ghouls seem to be as afraid of colloidal silver as a vampire is afraid of the Cross.

Does that tell you something?

Of course it does.


Colloidal silver is nothing more than microscopic silver particles suspended in water.

The most effective way of introducing colloidal silver particles into the lungs is by inhaling them through a nebulizer - an electronic misting machine which disintegrates water into mist.

So would it surprise you that in most states you can no longer purchase a nebulizer without a doctors perscription?

They have now made nebulizers ILLEGAL unless you are already afflicted by a lung ailment (like asthma).

The excuse is of course, the druggies are using them to inhale this or that.

Its the same excuse they are using to make a plethora of other helpful medicines UNREACHABLE to the general public.

Believe me, the restrictions on nebulizers have nothing to do with keeping them out of the hands of the druggies...and everything to do with making sure YOU DIE.

You see, inhaled colloidal silver (through a nebulizer) is the number one treatment and prevention for Ebola. 

It won't do to have the general public catch on to the inhalation of colloidal silver as the cure for this new plague they are rolling out.

Won't do at all.

"keep the public dumb...and dead" seems to be their mantra, as they now proceed to not only restrict the sale of nebulizers....but soon, illegalize the sale of colloidal silver itself.

But guess what, you can STILL GET A NEBULIZER without a perscription through the Internet, from Ebay...or from anyone that has one they no longer need.


Also, you can still purchase colloidal silver from your local health food store...but not for long.

Colloidal silver stands to be made ILLEGAL soon, but even if it is not, the restrictions on nebulizers keeps the general population from practicing the single most accessible and effective method of treating Ebola - inhaling atomized colloidal silver.

True, you can still take colloidal silver orally, but this is only a fraction as effective as inhaling it right into your lungs and having the infection WIPED OUT immediately.

(also, the use of this method won't do at with the Illuminati since it also wipes out the cold, the flu, asthma and tuberculosis)

Nope won't do at all.

So that is why the establishment is shutting down the sale on nebulizers...and colloidal silver and...

...oh, did I mention pure oxygen is also a masterful treatment for Ebola and....

..OH!... THAT'S why they have restricted the public's access not only to oxygen cannisters, but to oxygen generators as well - that's right- can't get one unless you already have a mortal non-viral heart or respiratory ailment.

So you see all those supposedly helpful items they are restricting, well, GET those items NOW while the getting is good!

Yes, you have some heavy choices to make my friend...actually some very easy and simple choices:

-Buy a Nebulizer NOW

-Stock up on colloidal silver (10 ppm seems to work homeopathically better than heavier doses, somehow) NOW

-Buy a colloidal silver generator NOW

-Buy and oxygen generator NOW (might find some of these on Ebay or the internet still)

-And for good measure, buy a Water Distiller NOW (before they probably make them illegal due to moonshiners) - you need distilled water to generate colloidal silver.

An inhalation of atomized (made into mist) colloidal silver and oxygen is the death knell of any pulmonary infection (like Ebola).

Doesn't that sound way better that it being the death knell of YOU or your loved ones?

The Internet is still a pretty good place to get the legal and semi-legal (which the above mentioned items have either become or are about to become).

So hang, loose, let your hair down, get impish...take a walk on the wild side...break some laws and regulations... and get all this good stuff.

The lawabiders nowadays are simply abiding their own deaths.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Matrix: The Illuminati Power Stucture

Too many Conspiracy researchers dive headlong into attacking ‘the conspiracy’ without knowing exactly what they are dealing with.

Let us look at this thing in some relevant detail, shall we?


Man’s first fall consisted in his acceptance of the ‘Witch Doctor’ or ‘Shaman’ or ‘Medicine Man’ as a POLITICAL force within the tribe.

In time it was these possessed crazies who created ‘secret societies’ the rest of the tribal men had to join in order to be ‘accepted’ members of the tribe.

One does not have to look far to see that these ‘Medicine Men’ came to use their influence within the tribe for selfish ends, frequently having to do more with power and influence (in tribal society material wealth meant little).

This shamanic religion soon developed into franchises of priesthoods which embarked across tribal lines, like the Celtic Druids.


In time and beyond the Stone Age - at the dawn of civilization, we run into a much mentioned but (purposefully) unstudied group of Semitic people called the ‘Amorites.’

These people seemed to take power over entire societies without war but through crafty infiltration - you find them on the throne of Assyria, Babylon...and Egypt - without having resorted to war or conquest.

The Amoritic branch which took over Egypt was called the ‘Hyksos.’

How did the Amorites take over societies without war or conflict?

Through the art of infiltration.

Men who are not what they say they are positioning themselves at the highest levels of local government until the local ‘government’ begins favoring the Amorites to such an extent that they become a virtual oligarchy.

This is what you see in the Book of Genesis when the Amorite  Moses passes himself off as an Egyptian official and KILLS any Egyptian daring to victimize the ‘Hebrews’.

This is what you see in the Pharaoh Akhenaton - a totally alien entity occupying the Egyptian throne and seeking to DESTROY the Egyptian priesthood and remake Egyptian religion.

Needless to say Akhenaton was deposed, along with all those pseudo-Egyptians who backed him.

But the infiltration never ended.

The story of Joseph makes it quite clear that the infiltration of Egypt continued even after the ‘Hebrews’ were cast out of Egypt.

The story of Esther makes it quite clear the infiltration continued to happen along the entire civilized world.

Today we still have the ‘Amorites’ with us, infiltrating every aspect of government and society.


Then we have the secret societies and mystery religions which plagued Greece and Rome - chief among them the cult of Dionysus in Greece and the Cult of Mithra in Rome.

Mithra - a cult strongly present in the army - was said to be the Masonic institution of its day.

Man was unable to shake the ‘societies’ which continued to plague him by the time the Crusades happened (to open up trade to the Italian City States).

The Knights Templars established the first international banking system in Europe.

The Templars were eventually hunted down (i.e. forced to go undergound) in their base country of France...but they easily moved to other parts of Europe, like England and Scotland, where they re-established themselves as a stronger yet more occult and more subtle secret society.

In Scotland, King Robert the Bruce was a Templar and the Templar knights regularly interfered in English affairs (such as the prior attack on King John).


It was only a matter of time before the Templar secret society in Scotland evolved into Freemasonry by the early 1700‘s.

Freemasonry - an international secret society supposedly bounded by ‘fraternity’ (but actually made attractive by the lure of connections, promotion and wealth) spread across the channel back into France and other places where ‘knightly orders’ existed - Prussia being a notable example.\


But I skipped over the empowering financial force of Freemasonry, the engine of its wealth and its influence over Europe - the Bank of England.

The Bank of England, established in 1694 under the rule of a foreign king (Willam III) from Holland, instituted the first of a series of franchises called central banks.

The Bank of England (right off the bat) started doing what central banks do today - the boom and bust bubble cycle - with its funding of the South Sea Bubble.

And in little time, the Bank of England used its fiat power of ‘creating money out of nothing’ to finance the beginning of what was to become the British Empire.

From there, the institution of the Central Bank spread first to mainland Europe and then to the rest of the world.

People forget that the British-financed and Masonic-led French Revolution was what installed in French soil the ‘Bank of France’ like it did in other nations across Europe as they fell to Napoleon.

But let’s dwell on the concept of “central bank” for a while.

The very name ‘central bank’ is a misnomer - it is not a bank at all.

Like ‘Xavier’ stated, it is a “wealth authority” - “an entity with the power to write receipts over a nation’s wealth” - in other words, an institution which soon comes to OWN the wealth of the country it resides in.

Every nation in the world today has a central bank.

And every central bank in the world today is controlled by its originator - the Bank of England.

England assumed an advantage of immense proportions over the world when (with the blessings of the Talmudic Kabalistic Luciferian Jews) it created first  Freemasonry and then the Bank of England.

Freemasonry gave England unbound intelligence over the internal matters of the other nations in which Freemasons existed.

The Bank of England gave her unbound wealth and capital.

How could the creation of the British Empire - the largest empire the world had ever seen - not happen.

And yes, this brings us to two very important parts of the ‘matrix’ of the Conspiracy

1) The power of the ‘City of London’ (the home of the Bank of England) over the wealth of the world.


2) The power of England (through Freemasonry) over the affairs of the world.

In other words, the power of England over the affairs of the world.


Too many conspiracy researchers attack this or attack that aspect of the Conspiracy, ignoring the fact that we exist in an aquarium - a playground - owned totally by the Conspiracy.

It’s a little bit like all the scheming and dirty business going on in a luxury liner or a prison.

It doesn’t really matter.

Let’s take the example of a prison ship.

You know the Captain on the bridge is in charge of the ship, where it goes and what it does...and you know the Warden in his office is in charge of the prison and all its until you get to THESE gentlemen, all the scheming and counter-scheming at the bottom level doesn’t really matter.

Well, we DO have a Captain and we DO have a Warden at the controls of most everything that happens at the socio-political level...and unless we get rid of that captain and that warden, all the scheming and counter-scheming in the world doesn’t matter.

At present, our situation is a bit like that of town being fascinated with the creative crimes of a serial killer...when we already KNOW who the serial killer is!

Ooh..did you see what the killer did to that lady - he decapitated her and sewed the head of a goat unto her throat.

Ooh...did you see how the killer disposed of that gentleman’s body - it was a total skeleton when they found him...and he had been dead only a week! I wonder how he did that?

Ohh, that individual was reported missing only a week ago, but my hunch is he was dead...a month ago!

This morbid fascination (though useful in the awareness sense) is useless when it comes stopping the killer.

The conspiracy community has become to a large extent ‘spectators’ waiting for the next ‘crime’ to happen so they can pull it apart, analyze it and solve it to the applause of the adoring conspiracy public.

This sort of activity is useless unless it is accompanied by the simultaneous DESIRE, WILL and PURPOSE of condemning the institutions which have carried it out...with the ultimate purpose of EXPOSING,  DISEMPOWERING and DESTROYING them.

So yes...dare I say it?

Yes...It’s about time somebody did:

The Central Banks must be destroyed...Freemasonry must be destroyed...and the Intelligence services must be PURGED and put on a permanent short leash.

Too bad these worthwhile goals seldom make it into your weekly conspiracy media serving.


So, even though the world is divided into 200 nations (and many more languages) is the institutions CONTROLLING those nations which really matter.

And what are those institutions?

The list is very simple:

Central Banking...Intelligence...and Freemasonry...

...with the City of London at their center.

London created the concept of the Central Bank (on which its unlimited wealth is based) and the institution of Freemasonry (on which its unlimited intelligence and unlimited influence is based) so why not?

Now it makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

Well, well, it seems the Conspiracy is not as complicated as we all thought it was, now is it!

The triad is as simple as it is powerful.

Yet in its inner mechanisms it is a bit more involved.


The Mechanism which has controlled the world since the 1940‘s is slightly different from the Mechanism which controlled the world prior to that, but it is basically the same mechanism.

Every nation in the world has a Central Bank which basically has authority over the wealth of the nation. Each of these Central Banks in turn receives its marching orders from the Bank of England.

Every nation in the world is led by an intelligence asset (either from the CIA, KGB (FSA) or MI6). In other words, all these presidents, premiers, and even kings are really just employees of one of the intelligence services of the big three - US, UK and Russia (who are in turn led by Freemasons serving the City of London).

Every nation in the world is influenced by the obedient services of Freemasonry (you think those oaths of obedience are there just for show?) who work in collaboration with the Central Bank and the Intelligence Services to accomplish their goals.


Unfortunately, what goes around comes around.

The US has been dominating the Third World through CIA-appointed presidents and dictators since the 1950‘s, mostly installed through violent coups, assassinations and dirty business.

America has been fine with that.

Unfortunately the chickens have come home to roost.

The ‘chickens’ meaning the CIA.

The CIA practice of having its assets operate inside the United States (in spite of this being ILLEGAL by way of its own charter) has reached epic proportions.

Simply put, we have allowed so many CIA assets to exist, reside and grow INSIDE our country that the CIA has now taken over.

When was the last time you heard that from your local conspiracy pundit?

So many CIA networks have encrusted themselves inside our infrastructure that they have become indistinguishable from every day society.

Individuals, congressmen, generals, police, firemen, corporate executives...indeed, entire corporations have joined the CIA infrastructure.

But let’s be clear, many of these individuals are not registered agents of the CIA, but useful assets - like capital - there to be used when needed.

They might ‘know’ they are part of something CIA-connected or having to do with ‘national security’...some might not even know who they are working for...but they have all dipped their hands into the CIA cookie jar, have benefited from it, and have someone appointed over them who gives them the orders ‘when needed.’

That’s right.

The same methodology the CIA used to control the Third World is now being used to control the United States.

And its becoming obvious as we see ourselves converting with each passing day into a Third World CIA-run National Security State.

Nothing new is happening to the United States.

The same methodology the CIA has used to control the Third World is now being extended to control the United States of America.

The CIA hasn’t done it alone, but with the full faith and credit of the Federal Resreve, Freemasonry and our establishment (City of London) backed oligarchy.

It’s old hat to know that Wall Street controls the CIA and has many of its own inhabiting that agency.

Folks, it’s gotten so bad that the last three Presidents we have had have been bona fide CIA assets (along with many of our present-day Congressmen and governors).

Simply put, the CIA - the same guys that have been creating brutal Third World dictatorships for six decades is now in control of America...and you can feel the difference can’t you?

So, of course, it is no surprise to see that America is turning into a Third World dictatorship, complete with a generalissimo, a military police, checkpoints, snitches and a secret police who spy on everybody.


So how to kill something so complex, so widespread and so invasive as the world conspiracy?

Surely it would take decades of investigating, hunting down, apprehending, questioning and executions to destroy the Conspiracy.

No such thing could be further from the truth!

In fact, we could destroy the Conspiracy TODAY if we did just one thing.


That’s right - abolish the central banks and the Conspiracy will no longer have the funds with which to run  Freemasonry, the CIA, its mega corporations...or to indebt the nations of the world.

You see, the Conspiracy has long ago recognized something the rest of the world has not - money is power.

And the authority to create money is absolute power.

The Central Banking System run from the City of London is the linchpin in the Conspiracy’s hold on world power.

The day each nation’s treasury starts printing its own money is the day the Conspiracy collapses.

Let the CIA, the KGB, the Freemasons, the Talmudic Kabalistic Luciferians continue with all the twisted schemes and twisted dreams they want...THERE WILL NO LONGER BE ANY FIAT MONEY WITH WHICH TO FUND THEM.

And furthermore, the issue must be put into Constitutional Law through a legal binding Constitutional statement making ALL printing of money illegal except through a nation’s treasury.

Without the cornucopia of the Central Banking system providing the unlimited funds with which to manipulate, corrupt and control the world, the Conspiracy will lose all its power.

But, yes, things are easier said than done.

The Illuminati, unlike most of us, recognize that the international central banking structure IS the linchpin to their power...

...and they will do anything to keep it.

They have killed two presidents (at least) who have threatened this monetary power (and they are willing to kill millions to keep it).

We have to recognize this and we have to be resolute in our REJECTION of fiat money and the Central Banks...and ABOLISH THEM.

And, to give money real value, begin issuing money with a thread of gold inserted into every bill equal to the value of that bill.

Only then could we call ourselves free and sovereign.

That indeed will be the day the scheming stops, the mega corporations cease to exist, the wars end, the power and influence dissipate, the dirty tricks grind to halt.

But before that happens, we need to come to the resolution of abolishing the Central Banks (in our case, the Federal Reserve).

That’s right, instead of sitting down to morbidly digest the next bit of Central Bank - financed and CIA -executed crime, we have to not only call for, but actively plan and execute the abolishment of the Federal Reserve.

Its very currency needs to be treated as filth and other currency (like silver used in its stead).
And the Illuminati know (and most of us don’t) the power of human consciousness and human will.

If enough people just recognize the Federal Reserve as the source of all their agony, despise it, hate it...and wish for its will fall.

This is why the Illuminati’s main effort is directed at human consciousness.

This is why dictators hold ‘elections’, ‘do things’ for the people and run a first rate propaganda machine. It wouldn’t do to make it an open fact that one is simply an oppressor empowered by way of  one’s own might.

The Mongol Empire based its strength on might and power alone... long did that last?

The abolishment of the Federal Reserve (and all the other Central Banks) is the key to the abolishment of Illuminati power...

...yet few people even know what the Federal Reserve is.

The Illuminati victory so far is mental as much as it is physical.

They KNOW the power of awareness.

And as our awareness grows...our freedom diminishes.

You don’t think that is merely an accident, do you?

The time for the AWARENESS of the power of the Central Banks has arrived.

The sooner we become aware, the sooner we destroy them...the sooner we are free.

More and more people are calling for the abolishment of the Federal Reserve...and you can see what is happening.

More restrictions, more investigations, more arrests, more blackmail, more threats, more assassination, more murder, more tanks , more military police.

Let the awareness never stop growing.

Let the Central Banks fall.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Government: A Giant Pain in the Ass

It was bound to happen.

Our infiltrated government - infiltrated by Talmudic-Kabalistic Luciferians, Freemasons, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilaterals and Bildebergers and CIA assets...

...has become a gigantic pain in the ass.

Now we have to deal every day, not only with the challenges of daily life...but  with the  daily bother of our own government trying to KILL us.

Yes indeed.

The Government has transformed itself into some sort of crazy goblin, running hysterically everywhere seeing what else it can possibly it ostensibly tries to build “a New World Order”.

And we, as the humble common people must now deal with the reality of TRYING TO SURVIVE as our own government tries to KILL us every remaining day of our lives.

That’s right...death...

In fact, that might just be the new government policy - destroy as to rebuild it as the New World Order from the ground up.

As the Government CONTRAILS pollute our skies, raining everything from aluminum and barium to radiation, viruses, bacteria and weird growing stuff.

As Government pushes “mandatory” vaccines campaigns to cripple and KILL our children and arrest the parents if they refuse.

As the Mossad and Government-sponsored Fukushima atomic bombs contaminate the Pacific and makes the fish we eat DEADLY.

As the Government-opened border now lets in drug runners, assassins, killers, cartel members...and terrorists (it is now common to find abandoned Muslim prayer mats and books in Muslim languages in the Southwestern desert).

As Government-directed ISIS not only massacres innocent people abroad, but is now being readied - by Government - to begin slaughtering Americans as it is allowed to infiltrate the wide open border the Government has created.

As Government puts toxic and RADIOACTIVE fluoride from CHINA into our drinking water.

As Government permits food processors to import processed poisonous junk meat from China for sale to the American consumer.

As Government works overtime to collapse the dollar and make it about as valuable as toilet paper...

As Government endeavors to regulate the economy into bankruptcy and collapse.

As Government proceeds to tax so many Americans into poverty that they are LEAVING the country and RENOUNCING their citizenship....along with many American corporations!

As Government BRINGS IN useless and criminal ILLEGALS and provides them with first class welfare privileges NOT EVEN GRANTED TO AMERICANS!

Uh...just sayin’...but are you starting to get the idea Government doesn’t like us Americans...and might even HATE us?

I mean, is there ONE aspect of American society this Government is not trying to destroy?

As Government trains the police on how to KILL YOU and arms them with the appropriate weapons, laws and legal system with which to do it.

Now every time you are stopped by the police, there is a strong possibility you could be KILLED. Oh well, we  have to sit there and pray a sudden sneeze is not mistaken for an assault or a wallet for a handgun by a traumatized Iraq-vet cop souped up on steroids and paranoid training. 

As Government permits and subsidizes the construction of entire forests of microwave antennas and smart meters to first drive you insane before killing you off with cancer, leukemia, or a plethora of other auto-immune diseases.

As Government continues to the add misery to our existence by continuing to pay for the exportation of our industry and jobs to China...while raising taxes, increasing taxes and collapsing the dollar.

Notice the  recent additional economic gift we got from Government as Obamacare turns all our full time jobs into part-time pass times.

Or how about the Government-created Ebola now doing the rounds (never mind a dozen more Government-spawned plagues waiting in the wings). And the Government-built Ebola vaccine is sure to be just as deadly.

Or how about Government ILLEGALIZATION of healthy organic food and the LEGALIZATION of just about every deadly poison known to YOUR FOOD...including genetically modified produce?

Or how about our Government trying to start WW-III with Russia in the Ukraine....and China in the South Pacific...while leaving us completely defenseless against nuclear strike.

And speaking of nuclear demise...

...anybody notice how ALL our nuclear power plants are LEAKING while Government has ordered the alarms to be turned off?

You know, it used to be when you could go to work in the office without fearing your entire building would be demolished by a terrorist act.

Now those days are gone as Government launches a multi-front war to DESTROY America and the American people.

Whether it has notice or not, Government has become a royal pain in the ass - not the type caused by discomfited hemorrhoids - but the type caused by flesh-eating Piranah firmly implanted into your blow hole.

Whether Government notices it or not, it has run out of clout with the American people.

The American people have stopped caring about its ‘war on terror’ or ‘the crisis in the Ukraine’ or any of its other nonsense or any other government program that has the prefix ‘war on...’ on it.

Congress has lost all credibility and the President has lost all credibility.

Now it looks like a race between Government trying to destroy America before it collapses in on itself and the American people trying to survive.

Government has lost so much clout with the American people that it is now trying to bring in a new American population - government-dependent illegals -  to take up the sudden slack in government support on behalf of the public.

In fact, its starting to look like a race to the finish as the so-called ‘Government’ tries to KILL US OFF as we try to survive its little annihilatory program of pre-New World Order destruction of America.

In fact, you know what.

It’s time for this government to go.

I hate to say it.

But when Government starts killing its own people for no  good reason is time for it to go.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Black Mask Arrives

Traditionally the Black Mask has been used by executioners or people who need their identity protected in order to avoid REVENGE.

My first exposure to the Black Mask came through the popular media depiction of the ‘executioner’ as he proceeded about his task...whether it was with an axe, a guillotine, a hangman’s rope or an electric chair.

The executioner hid his face to protect himself from the anger of the executed victim’s relatives and friends. This was especially important when communities were not large as they are now, but the truth was the executioner was frequently ‘mobile.’

My second exposure to the Black Mask came when I saw the movie ‘Missing’ which was about Chile’s military crackdown on the leftists following the Allende Coup.

In that movie, the Black Masks made their appearance as civilians were arrested and herded into a stadium.

Inside the stadium, there were certain guards wearing Black Masks...also, accusers and ‘witnesses’ who pointed people out from amongst the crowd were wearing Black Masks.

The people who were pointed out...ended up dead.

Starting to see the connection between the Black Mask...and DEATH?

Yes indeed.

The Black Mask continued to make its appearance amongst the (appropriately named) Death Squads in El Salvador during the 1980‘s as the Government MURDURED the opposition.

I am sure the Black Mask continued to appear, but the next time it caught my attention was during the Russian Coup attempt, and later during Russian special forces arrests of ‘suspects’ and ‘criminals.’

Recently the Black Masks were seen again during the crisis in the Ukraine, when Russian Special Forces and FSB infiltrators wore the masks as they directed the ‘independence’ of Crimea and Don Bas.

These personnel with Black Masks called themselves ‘local Ukrainians who wanted independence.’


The Black Mask is legion in places like Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Libya and know...places where human life is worth less than 55 cents.

Bottom line: the appearance of the Black Mask has its connections to death, thuggery, and covert operations.

The people wearing the Black Masks have a good reason to be wearing them.

And lately....and unfortunately...the Black Mask has made its appearance in America... (under the guidance of the Federal Government) the local police have begun wearing them at ‘check points.’

Now let me tell you...

...there are few things more frightening than having your car stopped at a checkpoint in the middle of the night by individuals wearing Black Masks.

Put simply, the Black Mask means DEATH.

Death or the prospect of death is present wherever the Black Mask is present.

So it shocked and saddened me when I started seeing our local Sheriff Deputies here in Arizona wearing Black Masks at DUI and drug check points.

The Black Maskers were most likely police informants or infiltrators who wanted their identity concealed from the druggies...but looking at the physique of some of these Black Maskers, I could tell they were just professional killers...whether legal or otherwise.

Our ‘special forces’ began wearing the Black Mask in Iraq as they arrested those destined for torture and or death.

Now, as I mentioned, the Black Mask is here.

Police are wearing it at checkpoints.

SWAT teams are wearing them as they assault homes.

Recently...the Police (or whatever they are) were wearing them at Ferguson Missouri as they abused the local protesters.

For the record, nothing good ever comes of the police wearing the Black Mask.

Not only is the wearing of the mask...

...a cowardly act... illegal act...

...and an act that insinuates something illegal is about to be done that needs the identity of the mask wearer to be hidden...

...but, more often than not, it signals the arrival of the criminal police state.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Operation Chaos Begins

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Questions You Should Ask About Conspiracy Pundits

A lot of conspiracy pundits are making their appearance as friends and leaders of the American patriotic community.

A lot of these ‘leaders’ are as fake as a two dollar bill - government or establishment plants there to deceive, distract...and compile black lists for the great day.

And it is amazingly easy to single them out.

It is easy because the establishment is so stiff and inflexible that most of its acolytes all have the same resume.

What follows is a secret check list to single out these Illuminati infiltrators.


The establishment seems to draw a large number of its members from a quintet of ivory tower colleges: Yale - Harvard - MIT - Princeton - Columbia and perhaps a small number of other recognized colleges.

So anyone having graduated from these virtual invitation-only institutions is an immediate red flag.

Conservative, Christian, patriotic individuals...just don’t make it in these institutions.

So if people from anyone of these Ivy League colleges present themselves as a patriot, a leader, journalist, writer, a whistle blower, etc...distrust them.

The faculty of these institutions act as a filter to make sure patriotic Christians never graduate from those places.


People who have made a career in the Federal Government are to be immediately distrusted.

Come can try it out, but make an entire career working for a corrupt, twisted and socialist institution that is the Federal Government?

Whether en ex-employees of the IRS, FBI, CIA, any part of the Executive Branch, remember, if it is a career they made, that they made it basically betraying the country and the American people.

The Federal Government has been an agent of treason and suppression for decades. Good Americans don’t linger there (or in Washington DC for that matter).

Many ex-Feds are also CIA assets.

Distrust them immediately. 


Have they ever worked for th FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, DEA, BATF or any of the other alphabet soup intelligence agencies of the Federal Government?

Well, the burning question is: why?

These agencies have been steadily involved in the betrayal and destruction of America - people who join these organizations soon find that out...and leave. T

On the other hand, people who thrive and progress within the intelligence communities are a bunch of rats.

Do not trust anyone who is ex-intelligence.

You may listen to them, but never trust them.


Many conspiracy pundits like to keep this fact a secret...and its easy to do because Freemasonry is so secretive.

But the truth is Freemasonry is THE oil on which the Illuminati machinery runs.

From experience, I am convinced no decent upright human being would join and progress in  this creepy, satanic, dark and occult mystery religion.

Most Freemasons are chosen for their obedient stupidity, not their genius, so the candidate is always surrounded by mediocrity.

Most Masons like to have ‘fun’ in very immoral ways - drunkeness, whores and orgies - and if you don’t participate you are not considered ‘one of the boys.’

Anyone who is a standing member of this nefarious institution is no good.

Keep away or treat their mouthings with extreme care.


The police are thoroughly infiltrated by Freemasonry and the CIA.

Corruption also goes with the police just like peaches and cream.

Though not a sure marker, beware of anyone who is ex-law enforcement.

Many continue to be part of law enforcement and continue to compile blacklists of ‘suspects.’

Some law enforcement are good - mostly the ones who are no longer law enforcement and refuse to have anything to do with it.

Hear them out, but be careful...and don’t surrender your personal information to them.


I have served in the armed forces and can say with surety that no high class individual desires to make a career out of that dump.

In case you don’t understand, the prime necessity for you to continue in the armed forces is unquestioning obedience, getting along and not complaining.

People that make a complete career out of this type of person.

Also, many ‘veterans’ are recruited by the CIA.

Although not a sure marker, a complete long-time career in the armed forces is always suspect.

Every intelligent, high class individual that I know has been unable to tolerate the armed forces for more than ten years.


Immediately discard all ex-special forces...especially if they still proclaim an active loyalty to them.

The special forces (Green Berets, Rangers, SEALs, Delta Force) all recruit jointly with the CIA...and serve the CIA in clandestine missions.

The special forces are all ‘departments of dirty tricks’  and murder.

Recently many ex-special forces are being made leaders of the patriot community and the patriot militia by the CIA.

Few seem to question why that is.

Service in the special forces include acts of sodomy, trust-building, betrayal, torture and murder.

Anyone who enjoys this is a twisted individual...who cannot be trusted.

A lot of special forces also climb to the top of motorcycle gang leadership, whose mobility and nomadic existence lends itself to further CIA covert activity.

DO NOT trust ex-special forces.


No one from any of these institutions can be trusted.

It is well known these are globalist and internationalist institutions bent on world government.

If you don’t agree with the globalist agenda basis of a one world government being necessary, you are not admitted.

So yes, basically anyone who was EVER a member of any of these globalist political obedience clubs cannot be trusted - the are confirmed globalists.


Are they the ex-CEO or ex-president of a famous corporation?

Even ex-employees of corporations are suspect if the corporation happen to be past of the big ten (example: Goldman Sachs, Apple, Exxon, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo, etc).

Leaders in these corporations don’t become their leaders unless they are part of the global control grid team.

Ex-employees could be true whistle blowers....but be careful.

 Can they trace their lineage back to the Mayflower or some English King?

These blue bloods can’t help but crow about their pedigree.

So let’s see about these people...they can trace their lineage back to the Mayflower or beyond and now they are in charge!


A better definition of establishment blue blood cannot be found.

These are blue bloods in charge.

Be careful.


Is the person an honorary member of this or that establishment institution?

Has he or she received high honors?

Is he a ‘knight’ or ‘dame’ of this or that order?

Does the person belong to an elite university fraternity like Skull and Bones or Scroll and Key, etc?

Has the person won a Nobel or Pulitzer prize?


They will never call themselves ‘communists’ (communism has murdered too many people to have a good name anymore) but, if pressed, they will admit they are socialists or even Marxists.

Which is not surprising because a great part of present-day university leadership IS Marxist.

However, in spite of their tight-lipped secrecy, you can’t fail to spot these people.

They are pro-China, pro-Russia, pro-Venezuela, pro-Ecuador, pro-Cuba and pro-socialism.

They always push for ‘revolution' and complete abolishment of the present day status quo.

They very appropriately criticize corporate excesses but never tough upon the excesses of communism, socialism or the welfare state.

They are very anti-American and anti-capitalists which endears them to a lot of conspiracy researchers (who have found the American government and central bank capitalism to be giant frauds).


Basically a recap.

Were they ever part of a large establishment corporation, government agency, club, institution, university, etc.


When you start researching the conspiracy, the first thing you become aware of is that the medical establishment is a gigantic murderous mafia.

You quickly come to understand that their dangerous procedures and toxic medicine kill millions of Americans every year.

As such, you learn to move away from it and totally distrust it.

You can’t be a patriotic conspiracy researcher and then totally trust the medical establishment.

Some keep this opinion very much under wraps....making themselves obvious only after they get something like cancer and immediately submit themselves to standard establishment procedures like destructive chemotherapy, radiation and cut and burn procedures...which more often than not leads to a very well deserved early death.

To make a long story short, most legitimate anti-establishment conspiracy researchers would not submit themselves to the poisons of the medical industry even if you paid them a million bucks.

Distrust those who trust the medical establishment and submit themselves to its care.


A denial of obvious conspiracies marks them as agent provocateurs with STANDARD establishment beliefs.

Anytime a ‘patriot’ or ‘conspiracy researcher’ denies a conspiracy well established by fact...alarms should go off.

Don’t believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy?


Don’t believe 9/11 was an inside job?


Don’t think fluoride in the water is harmful?


Thinks the ‘War on Terror’ is real?


Doesn’t believe vaccines are dangerous?


Thinks we were really attacked by North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin?


Thinks Obama is legitimate?


An expansion of the above is the person’s opinion on establishment institutions themselves.


Do they like, approve and support...the CIA, NSA, DEA, FBI, BATF, Special Forces, CFR, Bildebergers, Trilateral Commission, Homeland Security, CDC, NHS, United Nations, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Columbia University, etc?

If they do, don’t assume they are clueless, assume they are traitors.



Don’t swallow the poison pill along with the ice cream.

When you eat food, is there is a piece of crud in your mouthful, you spit out the entire thing.

Same thing with people.

If you find a certain part of a patriotic researcher or leader to be unpalatable crud...SPIT THEM OUT!

I am not saying don’t read any of their writings or reject all their information, but pass all that they say through a filter and ask yourself: is this information (or misinformation) serving an alternate agenda?

Don’t swallow everything that they give you whole.

Frequently these people mix in good legitimate information with a piece of distractionary or even false poison.